Monash University Science handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to



Dr Lindsay Aitkin

8 points * Three 1-hour lectures and 5 hours practical per week * First semester * Clayton

This subject, taken in conjunction with PHY2022 (Systems physiology) in second semester, is for students intending to proceed to third-year physiology as well as for those who wish to study physiology in second year only. PHY2011 is designed to provide knowledge and understanding of the properties of excitable cells and the form and function of the peripheral and central nervous systems. The subject starts with a consideration of cellular function including the resting membrane potential and action potential of excitable cells, neuromuscular transmission and the mechanism of muscle contraction. This leads on to the peripheral and central nervous system including synaptic transmission, sensory and motor pathways, reflexes, sensory physiology and the autonomic nervous system. Students should note that a quota will apply for entry into second-year physiology and consequently that entry into this subject will be competitive.


Mid-semester multiple-choice question test: 10% * Practical written examination: 30% * Theory written examination: 55% * Practical book assessment: 5%

Prescribed texts

Moffett, Moffett and Schauf Human physiology 2nd edn, Mosby, 1993

Recommended texts

Rhoades and Pflanzer Human physiology 2nd edn, Saunders, 1992

Sherwood Physiology: From cells to systems 2nd edn, West, 1993

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