Monash University Science handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Human and population genetics

Dr David Smyth

12 points * 10 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: GEN2022

This subject deals with two areas of modern genetics in depth. Firstly human genetics is covered, with an emphasis on gene mapping, DNA profiling, the molecular basis of genetic disease and immunogenetics. Applications to medical genetics are emphasised, including genetic screening, genetic counselling, genetics of human behaviour and ethical issues. Secondly, topics in population and quantitative genetics are discussed in detail including population structure, molecular evolution, mitochondrial DNA variation, pesticide resistance in populations and polygenic control of human disease. Practicals expose students to a range of procedures including preparation and analysis of human chromosomes, aspects of genetic counselling, and measurement and analysis of genetic variation in natural populations.


Written (2500 words): 15% * Examinations (3 hours): 50% * Practical work: 35%

Prescribed texts

Conner J M and Ferguson-Smith M A Essential medical genetics 4th edn, Blackwell, 1993

Recommended texts

Alberts B and others Molecular biology of the cell 3rd edn, Garland, 1994

Gelehrter T D and Collins F S Principles of medical genetics Williams and Wilkins, 1990

Hartl D L and Clark A G Principles of population genetics 2nd edn, Sinauer, 1988

Lewin R Human evolution: An illustrated introduction 3rd edn, Blackwell, 1993

Li W-H and Graur D Fundamentals of molecular evolution Sinauer, 1991

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