Monash University Science handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to



Dr Stephen McKechnie

8 points * 9 hours per week * First semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: BIO1011 and BIO1022 and VCE Chemistry ; CHM1011 and CHM1022 are strongly recommended

GEN2011 covers the basic principles of genetics and introduces many of the concepts, techniques and organisms fundamental to the discipline. The subject includes the structure and organisation of DNA and of chromosomes, cell division, Mendelism, mutation, chromosome variations (especially in humans), gene mapping, cytoplasmic inheritance, basic gene expression and its regulation, and basic microbial genetics. Principles of population and quantitative genetics are also included. Practicals are designed to complement and illustrate the current lectures. They will provide experience with studying inheritance in a range of organisms, both plants and animals; experience with the design, analysis and reporting of experiments, and experience with basic techniques of molecular genetics.


Examinations (3 hours): 70% * Practical work: 25% * Assignments: 5%

Prescribed texts

Gardner E J and others Principles of genetics 8th edn, Wiley, 1991

Nickerson R P Genetics: A guide to basic concepts and problem solving Harper Collins, 1990

Recommended texts

Conner J M and Ferguson-Smith M A Essential medical genetics 4th edn, Blackwell, 1993

Maloy S R and others Microbial genetics 2nd edn, Jones and Bartlett, 1994

Russell P J Genetics 3rd edn, Harper Collins, 1992

Watson J D and others Molecular biology of the gene vol. 1, 4th edn, Benjamin-Cummings, 1987

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