Operating systems
Mr Douglas Thomson and Mr Tim Roberts
6 points * First semester * 4 hours per week * Gippsland/Distance * Prerequisites: GCO2812
Types of operating systems - single user, real-time, batch, multiple access; processes and programs - communication between concurrent processes, semaphores, interrupts; memory management - memory allocation, virtual memory; input/output - device handling, buffering, spooling; file storage management - directories, security, file organisation, opening and closing files; resource allocation and scheduling - allocation mechanisms, deadlock, scheduler algorithms, control and accounting; other topics - job control languages and utilities, protection, reliability and error detection, performance monitoring. For Gippsland students, there are four hours of teaching per week, consisting of two hours of lectures and two hours of tutorials, with additional contact initiated by the student. Access to the university's computer systems via modem is compulsory for distance students, in order to maintain effective communication with staff and other students, and also for the submission of assignments and the provision of supplementary study material.
Examination: 100%
Prescribed texts
Tanenbaum A S Modern operating systems Prentice-Hall, 1992