Computer organisation
Mr Douglas Thomson
6 points * First semester * 4 hours per week * Gippsland/Distance * Prerequisites: GCO1812, GAs1614 or GAS1611
Components of a computer system: processors, memory, secondary storage devices and media, other input and output devices. Processor organisation: registers, buses, multiplexers, decoders, ALUs, clocks, main memory, caches. Microprogramming. Von Neumann architecture, the conventional machine level: instruction types and formats, addressing modes, flow of control. Data transfers: DMA, interrupts and programmed I/O. Parallel machine architectures: multiprocessors, special purpose systems. Programming techniques for low level operations. Access to the university's computer systems via modem is compulsory for distance students, in order to maintain effective communication with staff and other students, and also for the submission of assignments and the provision of supplementary study material.
Examination: 100%
Prescribed texts
Tanenbaum A Structured computer organization 3rd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1990