Monash University Science handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Computer programming 2


Mr Ken Harris and Mr Douglas Thomson

6 points * Second semester * 4 hours per week * Gippsland/Distance * Prerequisites: GCO1811 * Corequisites: GAS1614 or GAS1611 * Credit towards BAppSc will be given for only one of the subjects GCO1812, 7222 (offered pre-1992)

Structures, files and dynamic memory allocation. Data abstraction and data structures; classes and objects. Multidimensional arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, tables, trees; recursion. Algorithm analysis: order of magnitude analysis, comparison of sorting algorithms. Access to the university's computer systems via modem is compulsory for distance education students, in order to maintain effective communication with staff and other students, and also for the submission of assignments and the provision of supplementary study material. Distance education students will require good access to a computer (preferably an IBM PC or compatible) and a C++ compiler. Borland C++ is recommended. Assessment

Assignments: 30% * Examination: 70%

Prescribed texts

Budd T A Classic data structures in C++ Addison-Wesley, 1994

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