Discrete Mathematics
Mr Francis Benyah
6 points * Second semester * 4 hours per week * Gippsland/distance * Prerequisite: GCO1815 or Year 12 Mathematics
This subject aims to provide students with a basic understanding of logic, the ability to use techniques in finite and discrete mathematics; in particular mathematics relevant to the design and development of good computer software. Students will be able to use the techniques of propositional calculus, and apply them to the design of computer programs; be able to construct some standard mathematical proofs; appreciate how predicate calculus may be used in proving that a computer program meets its specification; be able to apply Boolean algebra to the design of simple combinatorial switching circuits; demonstrate a basic understanding of graphs and graph theoretic algorithms; display an understanding of finite state machines, regular grammars, and their applications. For internal students there will be one two-hour lecture and two one-hour tutorial/workshop sessions each week; for distance education students there will be three hours of lecture/tutorial/workshop each weekend school.
Continuous assessment:40% * Examination: 60%
Prescribed text:
Hirschfelder R and Hirschfelder J Introduction to discrete mathematics Brooks-Cole, 1991