Artificial intelligence
4 points * Two 1-hour lectures per week * Clayton * Prerequisites: As for CSC3010; additional prerequisite CSC2030 * Corequisites: As for CSC3030
This subject focuses on classic problems dealt with in the area of artificial intelligence, and commonly used solution techniques. The subject covers three topics. (i) Problem solving: general problem solving techniques, such as backtracking and graph searching, game playing methods such as min-max and alpha-beta pruning, and planning techniques. (ii) Knowledge representation: different techniques to store and represent world knowledge, for example predicate calculus, conceptual dependency, frames, semantic needs. (iii) Natural language understanding.
Examinations (2 hours) * Programming assignment
Recommended texts
Charniak E and McDermott D Introduction to artificial intelligence Addison-Wesley, 1985
Hasemer T Looking at Lisp Addison-Wesley, 1985
Nilsson N Principles of artificial intelligence Tioga Press, 1980
Rich E and Knight K Artificial intelligence 2nd edn, McGraw- Hill, 1991
Wilensky R Lispcraft Norton