An 80-hour supervised project
The aim of the project is to enable students to study in depth a topic of relevance to pharmacy. The project may be library, laboratory, hospital or community practice based. In the course of the project, students will utilise and further expand written communication skills developed earlier in the course. Topics may be chosen from a list provided, or may be initiated by students in negotiation with supervisors.
General objectives
In this teaching program students are expected to develop:
understanding of scientific methodology; the selected topic;
abilities in the areas of planning and refining a research question in the topic selected; using relevant research tools in accessing and processing information; evaluation and interpretation of information gathered; reporting results in a scientific, clear and coherent manner;
an appreciation of the need for critical review of scientific publications.
7 hours of lectures and seminars (Introduction and overview (1 hour); information retrieval (2 hours); report writing (1 hour); scientific methodology and example presentations (3 hours))
Assessment will be based on a written report to be submitted by October. The project will be marked by the supervisor and one additional member of the academic staff. Methods of assessment will include:
Planning and methodology: 30%
Interpretation of information: 30%
Attitude and application: 20%
Format: 20%