Monash University Pharmacy handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to

Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)

One academic year

The prerequisite for entry to the honours year is a Bachelor of Pharmacy pass degree with (a) a credit grade or higher in the third-year subject chosen for honours studies or (b) an average overall credit grade or higher in the final year of the course.

General objectives

The objectives of the honours year are:

to provide future higher degree candidates with advanced knowledge in pharmaceutical science and research methodology;

to develop students' skills in undertaking research, including research planning, experimental techniques, data analysis and scientific writing;

to encourage students to pursue higher degree studies in the pharmaceutical sciences;

to provide students with a four-year research-oriented degree suitable for entry into the pharmaceutical industry.


The Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) (BPharm(Hons)) course consists of compulsory coursework and a supervised project undertaken in any of the departments at the college.

The compulsory coursework consists of a core course taken by all candidates (statistics, computing and research methods), and an elective component as determined by the department in which the candidate is pursuing her/his research (literature reviews, methodology based assignments, reports and oral presentations appropriate to the field of study).

The major element of the course is a supervised research project which will be assessed on the basis of oral presentations (background to the project and the results obtained), and a written thesis incorporating a literature review.


Coursework: 30% * Research and thesis: 70%

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