Psychology for nurses B
Dr C Rodgers and Ms S Burney-Banfield
6 points * Two 1-hour lectures, one 1-hour tutorial and one 2-hour laboratory session per week * Second semester * Internal study * Gippsland * Prerequisites: GAS1503 * Prohibitions: Cannot be counted towards a psychology major
This subject develops the student's knowledge of psychology acquired in subject GAS1503. Two areas of psychological speciality form the basis of the subject - health psychology and abnormal psychology - thereby covering the broad spectrum of physical and mental health. Issues considered in health psychology include health promotion; the effects of stress on physical well-being and coping mechanisms to deal with stress; becoming ill, illness behaviours and adherence to treatment regimens; psychological factors in the perception and treatment of pain; and chronic and terminal health problems. Aspects of the client-nurse/health professional relationship are explored in detail. Manifestations of psychological disorders are described, along with the legal and ethical issue pertaining to the various therapies applied in treatment.
Practical laboratory report: 20% * Essay: 20% * Final examination: 60% * A pass on the final examination is a requirement for the successful completion of this subject
Prescribed texts
Sarafino E P Health psychology: Biopsychosocial interactions 2nd edn, Wiley, 1994
Weiten W Psychology: Themes and variations 2nd edn, Brooks-Cole, 1992