Monash University Nursing Handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Outline of graduate studies

Graduate Diploma of Nursing (Gerontics)

Course code: GNG

This course is offered part-time and by the distance education mode over two years. The structure consists of three core subjects and five specialist subjects in gerontics.


The course has been designed to provide registered nurses with in-depth knowledge and specialised skills to promote effective functioning in the gerontic area. Graduates should therefore be capable of functioning as advanced care givers in aged care health settings; be able to demonstrate an ability to apply advanced problem-solving skills to patient care, and be equipped to respond to an increasingly complex health care environment.


On successful completion of the course, it is expected that students should be able to:

* clearly identify the role of the nurse in caring for the older adult;

* appreciate current research into older adult nursing;

* appreciate social policy as it is applied to older adult nursing care issues and the provision of nursing services;

* demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the ageing process;

* undertake comprehensive individual and family assessment which identifies obstacles to health and independent living and strategies to overcome or cope with them;

* discuss common nursing problems of the gerontic client and demonstrate an awareness of strategies to overcome them;

* describe the nature, process and evaluation of rehabilitation and therapeutic care for the older adult;

* act as effective health educators and resource persons to individuals, families and communities;

* act as catalysts for change and innovation in older adult nursing.

Entry requirements

Applicants should satisfy the general entrance requirements to the university, be registered as a nurse with an appropriate statutory authority and have successfully completed an undergraduate degree. Experience in the relevant area of practice is desirable.

Course outline - gerontics

Year one

First semester

* GHS8746 Lifespan development: a psychosocial perspective

* GHS8745 The physiology of ageing

Second semester

* GHS8747 Gerontic nursing processes I

* GHSXXX Aged care policy and management practice

Year two

First semester

* GHS7640 Methods of information collection, analysis and usage

* GHS8748 Gerontic nursing processes II

Second semester

* GHSXXX Gerontic nursing processes III

* GHS8749 Clinical project

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