Monash University Medicine handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Head: Associate Professor T M Adamson

Address: Department of Paediatrics, Monash Medical Centre, 246 Clayton Road, Clayton, 3168

Fetal and neonatal respiratory physiology in experimental animals. Lung growth and development. Ion transport in the fetal and newborn lung. Cardiovascular adaptation at birth. Cot death studies involving sleep arousal. Home apnoea monitoring and its impact on families. Obstructive sleep apnoea. Respiratory problems in the newborn. Periventricular haemorrhage in preterm infants. Computer applications in neonatal medicine. Gastro-oesophageal reflux and infant posture. Embryological development of the kidney and ureteric bud using morphological and monoclonal antibody techniques for analysis of cell adhesion molecules. Development of animal models for fetal surgical procedures. In utero correction of fetal malformations. Molecular genetics of blood disorders. Growth disorders in childhood. Childhood diabetes. Characterisation of calcium regulating hormones in the placenta. Immunological mechanisms in focal glomerulosclerosis.

Graduate opportunities in the Department of Paediatrics available through the Centre for the Study of Mothers' and Children's Health

The Centre for the Study of Mothers' and Children's Health, 463 Cardigan Street, Carlton, 3053. Contact: Dr Judith Lumley

* Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Ethnic differences in SIDS in Victoria. Child care practices and beliefs in Southern European and Asian families. Weather patterns and SIDS. Prenatal factors especially growth retardation and hypoxia. Perinatal factors including place of birth.

* Congenital malformations Case-control studies and cluster analysis.

* Health services research Randomised trials in perinatal care: effectiveness of pregnancy information and counselling. Models of care for low risk women. Neonatal intensive care.

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