Monash University Medicine handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to

Fifth-year prizes

Fairfield Hospital Clinical Society Prize

A prize for the best case report submitted by a fifth-year student during residence at the Fairfield Hospital.

Sigma Award in Neonatal Paediatrics

A prize of $100 awarded each year to a fifth-year student following selection for an examination in neonatal paediatrics.

Queen Victoria Medical Centre Staff Prize in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

A prize of $200 awarded to the fifth-year student who obtains the highest mark in obstetrics and gynaecology.

Medical Defence Union Electives Prize

A prize as determined by the Medical Defence Union to the fifth year student or students who submit the best elective reports as selected by a subcommittee represented by all fifth and sixth-year teaching departments. This prize is awarded during sixth year.

Prince Henry's Prize in Surgery

A prize awarded to the fifth-year student who obtains the highest mark in surgery at the Monash Medical Centre as determined by the fifth-year assessment

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