Monash University Medicine handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Rehabilitation medicine

Building on undergraduate training in medicine, surgery, psychological medicine and community medicine, this program formally introduces students to the principles and practice of rehabilitation medicine during six half-day seminars in the final year. An eclectic approach addressing medical, physical, psychological, social, vocational, legal and other factors which optimise functional outcomes will be stressed. A variety of disorders will be covered in predominantly small group exercises. These include loss of limb function, musculoskeletal injury, spinal cord injury, brain injury, pain disorders and the evaluation and management of fitness training.


Assessment is at the level of `satisfied faculty requirements' (SFR), as above

Recommended texts

DeLisa J A (ed.) Rehabilitation medicine: Principles and practice Lippincott, 1993

Penington G and Burry H C Introduction to medical rehabilitation: An Australian perspective MUP, 1990

Other studies


Obstetrics and gynaecology

Sixth-year students may arrange a limited number of tutorials and attendances at antenatal and gynaecological clinics for revision purposes during the year by application to the clinical supervisor of the department. The textbooks listed for obstetrics and gynaecology in fifth year are also applicable to the sixth-year program.



There is little formal instruction in paediatrics during the sixth year, although paediatric aspects of certain topics are presented in seminars from time to time. Students are expected to see patients in the children's wards at the affiliated hospitals and general practice attachments during this year, and thus to build on the skills and knowledge acquired during the fifth year. The final examination in the sixth year contains some content of paediatrics and students may be required to see a child during the clinical examinations. The textbooks listed for paediatrics in fifth year are also applicable to the sixth-year program.

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