Environmental and communicable hazards
Dr T Ruff
1 hour 45 minutes per week over 14 weeks * First semester
A general introduction to urbanisation; environmental pollution (air, solid waste, noise, etc); water supply safety, sewage and waste-water management, community infections (eg influenza); sexually transmitted diseases; hospital acquired infections; transmission of disease by food; vaccines; road safety, occupational injury and job stress.
Attendance * Class participation * Written assignments
Recommended texts
Benenson A S (ed.) Control of communicable diseases in man 15th edn, American Public Health Association, 1990
Brown L and others The state of the world 1992 Norton, 1992
Health Department Victoria Infectious diseases handbook Health Department Victoria, May 1990
Holland W and others (eds) Oxford textbook of public health 2nd edn, OUP, 1991
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Immunisation procedures 4th edn, NHMRC, 1991
World Health Organization Health advice for international travel World Health Organization
Occupational Health and Safety Act 1985 (Vic.)