Monash University Medicine handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Gastrointestinal medicine and the abdomen and principles of human nutrition


Gastrointestinal medicine and the abdomen

Associate Professor R A Bywater (Physiology) and Dr C R Hunter (Anatomy)

This study provides core material necessary for a thorough understanding of gastrointestinal medicine. It includes studies of the embryology, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology of the gastrointestinal tract and its associated structures. Laboratory-based programs in histology, dissection, living anatomy, introductory radiology and `clinical and communication skills' form an important part of this subject. Interdisciplinary discussion sessions which introduce the concepts of disordered gastrointestinal function and investigation of these abnormalities are also included.


Examinations (short-answer and multiple-choice): 71% * Viva voce: 29%

Prescribed texts

Berne R M and Levy M N Physiology 3rd edn, Mosby, 1993

Recommended texts

Johnson L R Gastrointestinal physiology 3rd edn, Mosby, 1985

Young J A and others Gastrointestinal physiology University of Sydney, 1991


Principles of human nutrition

Professor M L Wahlqvist (Medicine) and Dr F M Ng (Biochemistry)

The major aims of this study are to provide core knowledge of nutritional science and to facilitate development of skills in nutrition assessment and diagnosis in the later years of the medical course. The study focuses on the major areas of nutritional sciences and the development of skills in nutrition assessment and diagnosis. The teaching is designed to integrate basic biomedical sciences with food and nutritional sciences in order to develop a sound basis for the development of practical skills in clinical medicine. The core material will include (1) nutrition information and food habits in the community; (2) basic food science and nutrient toxicity; (3) nutrient science (biochemistry and physiology of macronutrients and micronutrients); (4) nutrition assessment and whole-body nutritional physiology, specific aspects of maternal and infant nutrition and nutritional requirements in sport; (5) nutrition and health management in metabolic, inflammatory and infectious diseases; and (6) preventive and therapeutic nutrition.


Examinations (multiple-choice and short-answer): 100%

Preliminary reading

Briggs D and Wahlqvist M L Food facts Penguin, 1984

Wahlqvist M L and others Food and health: Issues and directions Libbey, 1987

Prescribed texts

Wahlqvist M L Food and nutrition in Australia 3rd edn, Nelson, 1988

Recommended texts

International Life Sciences Institute and Nutrition Foundation (US) Present knowledge in nutrition 6th edn, ILSI, 1990

McLean A J and Wahlqvist M L Current problems in nutrition pharmacology and toxicology Libbey, 1988

Wahlqvist M L Food and nutrition manual Health Dept Victoria, 1987

Wahlqvist M L and others Use and abuse of vitamins Macmillan, 1987

Wahlqvist M L and Vobecky J Patient problems in clinical nutrition: A manual Libbey, 1987

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