Medicine and surgery
Medicine and surgery teaching in fifth year aims to provide students with core teaching in these disciplines with respect to both knowledge and clinical skills development. Acquisition of practical clinical skills, as well as bedside clinical skills, and a knowledge of the natural history of common medical and surgical illnesses, form the basis of core clinical skills teaching. Teaching in therapeutics will move more to the bedside and will build on the basic and clinical pharmacology principles taught in the preceding years. Learning will focus on specific therapeutic issues relating to patient problems and will highlight the areas of adverse drug reactions and polypharmacy. To achieve these aims students are attached, for an eight-week period, to medical and surgical units in major hospitals where they become part of the medical team of that unit fulfilling, as much as possible, the role of junior doctors. This is supplemented with a structured teaching program including lectures, demonstrations, bedside tutorials and self-learning activities, using a small group format whenever possible. Subspecialty teaching is included in this program as well as instruction in palliative care, anaesthesia, aspects of clinical pathology and radiological sciences and critical care. Time in the accident and emergency departments is part of the formal instruction and includes attendance on a rostered basis out-of-hours. Live-in facilities are now available only to students rostered on-call, except in restricted locations where such facilities are also available during the entire surgical rotation. As part of their involvement in day-to-day patient assessment and management in the respective units, students spend time with paramedical staff, including nurses, physiotherapists, occupational and speech therapists and social workers.
Recommended texts (Medicine)
As listed for fourth year plus the following:
Gilman A G and others (eds) Goodman and Gilman's `Pharmacological basis of therapeutics' 8th edn, Pergamon, 1991
Sapira J D The science of bedside diagnosis Urban Schwarzenberg, 1990
Souhami R L and Moxham J (eds) Textbook of medicine Churchill Livingstone, 1990
Stein J H (ed.) Internal medicine 2nd edn, Little Brown, 1987
Wahlqvist M and Vobecky J (eds) Patient problems in clinical nutrition: A manual Libbey, 1987
Weatherall D J and others (eds) Oxford textbook of medicine 2 vols, 2nd edn, OUP, 1987
Wilson J D and others (eds) Harrison's `Principles of internal medicine' 12th edn, McGraw-Hill, 1991
Wyngaarden J B and others (eds) Cecil `Textbook of medicine' 19th edn, Saunders, 1992
Preliminary reading (Surgery)
As listed for fourth year
Prescribed texts (Surgery)
As listed for fourth year
Recommended texts (Surgery)
General surgery
Friedin J and Marshall V Illustrated guide to surgical practice Churchill Livingstone, 1984
Hughes E S R and others Cabrini surgical lectures Hughes, 1989
Specialty surgery
Brown R B Clinical urology illustrated Adis Press, 1982
Foxen E H N Lecture notes on diseases of the ear, nose and throat 5th edn, Blackwell Scientific, 1981
Kay A Essentials of neurosurgery Churchill Livingstone, 1990
McGregor I A Fundamental techniques of plastic surgery and their surgical application 7th edn, Churchill Livingstone, 1980