Monash University Engineering handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to

School of Engineering, Gippsland

Australian Paper Manufacturers

The Australian Paper Manufacturers awards scholarships of $1000 each to full-time students in any school at the completion of the first, second or third year, provided that the students are proceeding to a further year of full-time study.

Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Award of $500 to the best student completing selected subjects from the second year of the Bachelor of Engineering.

Australian Institute of Steel Construction

The institute makes a Steel Design Award to the third-year student who has achieved a level of excellence in structural steel design. The award is in the form of $200 and a certificate.

Clarence Claude Fisher

Awards are available to applied science and engineering students. Applications should be made through heads of schools.

Coal Corporation of Victoria

The Coal Corporation of Victoria awards three scholarships each to the value of $1000 to full-time degree students undertaking studies in applied science, business (accounting/finance) and engineering. These scholarships are available at the end of the second year to students proceeding to a third year of study on a full-time basis.

The Institution of Engineers, Australia, Victoria Division

The Institution of Engineers, Australia award consists of a medallion and $500 and is awarded to the best final-year student in engineering.

The Institution of Engineers, Australia Structural Branch

The institution awards a book prize to a fourth-year engineering student achieving a high standard in structural design.

The Institution of Engineers, Australia Gippsland Group Prize

The Gippsland Group of the Institution of Engineers, Australia has donated a prize of $250 to be awarded annually on the recommendation of the head of the Gippsland School of Engineering to the student, in any engineering discipline, who is adjudged to have presented the best final-year project.

Electricity Supply Industry of Victoria

The ESI Scholarships in engineering are for the amount of $145 per week and differ in the number awarded each year. Please note that they are not necessarily awarded in every year nor are tenable at any particular institution. Fourth-year engineering students (normally in electrical and mechanical) who have completed prior ESI vacation employment are eligible with the scholarships being awarded in the penultimate year. The recipients are bonded to the ESI for two years.

Melbourne Water

Scholarships are available to girls completing the first-year engineering course. The scholarship provides payment of cost of rest-of-degree studies.

GEO - Eng Australia Ltd

An award of $100 to a third-year student selected on the basis of results in geotechnical engineering subjects.

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