Computer graphics 1
N Mani
4 points * 26 lecture hours, 26 laboratory hours * Second semester * Caulfield/Peninsula
Introduction to drawing and data point input. Editing. Display control. Role of 3D wireframe and solid modelling. Range of customisation and productivity techniques available. Relationship and applications of paintbrush, shading, rendering and animation packages and their graphic requirements. Peripheral devices - mouse versus digitiser; plotters - pen, pencil, thermal, dot matrix, bubblejet, paintjet, electrostatic. Video: image capture and VCR output cards; video graphics standards.
Examinations (2 hours): 35% * Practical work/Laboratory work: 65%
Recommended texts
Auto Desk Inc. Auto CAD reference manual
Foley J D and others Introduction to computer graphics 2nd edn, Addison-Wesley, 1994
Hill F S Computer graphics Macmillan, 1990