Physical metallurgy
4 points * two lectures per week plus tutorials * First semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: MTE2511, MTE2512
Solid state phase transformations. Precipitation mechanisms in AI-based and Ni-based alloys. Nucleation, metastable phases, interface structures. Kinetics. Reversion, precipitate free zones, precipitate distributions. Microstructure control and multistage heat treatments. Thermal stability of precipitation systems. Particle coarsening. Martensite: principles and crystallography. Ferrous martensites. Decomposition of austenite, pearlite, ferrite, bainite. Order/disorder transformations. Heat treatment. Normalising and annealing: grain size control, hardenability, TTT and XCCT diagrams for steels, section size. Alloy steels, quenching and tempering. Heat treatment of non-ferrous alloys: solution treatment, quenching, ageing, control of distortion and dimensions. Introduction to heat transfer. Heat transfer considerations, atmosphere and atmosphere control.Thermomechanical processing, ausforming etc.
Examinations: 60% * Assignments: 20% * Laboratory work: 20%
Recommended texts
Cahn R W and others (eds) Phase transformations in materials VCH Materials Science and Technology Series, vol. 5, 1991
Haasen P Physical metallurgy 2nd edn, Cambridge University Press, 1978
Honeycombe R W K Steels, microstructure and properties Edward Arnold, 1980
Krauss G Principles of heat treatment of steels ASM International, 1980
Martin J W and Doherty R Stability of microstructure in metallic systems Cambridge University press, 1977
Olson G B and Owen W S (eds) Martensite ASM International, 1992
Polmear I J Light alloys 2nd edn, Edward Arnold, 1989
Porter D A and Easterling K E Phase transformations in metals and alloys Van Nostrand, 1981
Russell K C and Aaronson H I (eds) Precipitation processes in solids TMS-AIME, 1978