Fundamentals of energy conversion
R Gani
4 points * 22 lecture hours, 16 tutorials hours, 6 laboratory hours * Second semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: CHE1110
The subject deals with the fundamental process of the interconversion of energy between its various forms: mechanical, thermal, chemical, etc. Emphasis is placed on the ability to recognise the type of process taking place and the ability to use standard techniques to solve problems in energy conversion. Topics to be covered include conservation equations; steady flow, non-flow and general boundary conditions; energy analysis procedures; power producing and power consuming cycles; cycles for different substances; measures of merit for power systems; energy sources and their utilisation.
Examinations (2 hours): 75% * Laboratory work: 15% * Test: 10%
Prescribed texts
Gani R Fundamentals of energy conversion 1994 (available from department)
Van Wylen G J and Sonntag R E Fundamentals of classical thermodynamics SI version, 3rd edn, Wiley