Health, safety and environment
P J Gregory
4 points * 32 lecture hours, 20 tutorial/laboratory hours * First semester * Caulfield
The moral, legal and economic impetus for change, the need for a system safety concept. Principles of accident prevention: the methodology of safety, accident causation models, strategies for protection, comparison with classical methods of accident prevention and safety design concepts, system redundancy and diversity. Safety programs, accident statistics and rates. Ergonomics, muscular-skeletal strain injuries and repetition strain injuries. Fire safety, occupational hygiene, machine guarding, noise. Major environmental problems of industry: land; solid and liquid waste disposal, land fill, land use. Water; thermal pollution. Waste loads to water and sewerage. Air; thermal and toxic emissions to air. Resources; changing resource use patterns, resource management. Health effects on the community. Common methods of monitoring and analysis associated with waste disposal to land, water, air and health. Legislative and administrative approaches to pollution control, methods of licensing waste loads. State, federal and statutory regulations related to waste disposal. Recognition of environmental factors in operations, strategic planning, new product development. environmental management plans.
Examinations (3 hours: 70% * Seminar participation * Assignments: 30%
Prescribed texts
Mathews J Health and safety at work Pluto, 1985
VOHSC Regulations and code of practices manual handling Victorian Government, 1989
Recommended texts
Victoria EPA Standard methods and policy criteria documents