Facilities planning and design
P Kee
4 points * 26 lecture hours, 26 laboratory hours * First semester * Caulfield * Prerequisites: IND2311
Definition, objectives, process and strategies of facilities planning. Importance of product, process and schedule design in relation to facilities planning. Activity relationships, space and personnel requirements. Material flow patterns and processes: techniques for analysing material flow, flow and string diagrams. Layout: basic types, alternative procedures, activity relationship charts, from-to-charts, creating and evaluating alternatives. Applications of layout to specific functions and industries: manufacturing, office and commercial. Warehouse layout models. Introduction to quantitative methods: deterministic and probabilistic models. Computerised layout techniques and their comparisons. Objective of materials handling, the materials handling equation, TRANSIT MODAPTS. Unit load concept: pallets, containers and packaging. Types of equipment: static and mobile (conveyor, cranes and fork lifts, robots, etc). Physical distribution and storage. Warehousing systems. Specifying equipment and design of the handling systems. Safety: OHS regulations for cranes and hoists, manual repetitive handling.
Examination (3 hours): 70% * Seminar participation, assignments and tests: 30%
Recommended texts
Tomkins J A and White J A Facilities planning Wiley, 1984