Monash University engineering handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Methods engineering 1

P Kee

4 points * 26 lecture hours, 26 laboratory hours * First semester * Caulfield

Productivity measurement: productivity and performance measures. Contributors to productivity improvement; labour, technological change. Work measurement: time study, standard data, predetermined motion time system(pmts): mtm, work factor, most, modapts plus, fast; work sampling and group timing techniques. Computerised time standards, maintenance and their applications. Methods analysis and design: types of charting procedures: flow process chart, operating process chart, right and left hand chart. Principles of motion economy and its relationship to the workplace and design and tools and equipment. Use of the operation analysis form. Methods design concept(mdc). Job design and evaluation: different approaches to job design- mechanistic, motivational, perceptual and biological. Analytical tools used for job design. New technologies and job design. Job ranking and classification system. Wage incentive program: history of wage incentive plans, union's view on wage incentive plans, group incentive plan, incentive for indirect labour, installation of wage incentive plan, auditing and restructuring incentive plan.


Examinations (3 hours): 70% * Laboratory work/Assignments and coursework: 30%

Recommended texts

Heyde G C MODAPTS Plus Heyde Dynamics, 1988

Niebel B Motion and time study 9th edn, Irwin, 1993

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