Terotechnology and lifecycle costs
Y Ibrahim
6 points * 78 hours * Full-year subject * Gippsland/Distance
(1) Introduction to asset management and terotechnology. The application of terotechnological techniques to increase profitability of an organisation through lifecycle cost optimisation. (2) Introduction to asset management systems that can be used to ensure that maintenance costs are considered throughout the lifecycle of equipment. Terotechnological aspects of engineering economics and accountancy, including risk analysis. Terotechnology and maintenance control ratios. Introduction to asset purchase/replacement policies and those techniques concerned with decisions to buy or replace major units of plant. (3) Design/re-design of plant to improve maintainability, reliability and reduce life cycle costs; design maintenance techniques. (4) Introduction to the effect of installation and commissioning practice on the maintenance cost and lifecycle of an asset; installation and commissioning standard procedures.
Assignments: 100%
Prescribed texts
Canada J R and White J A Capital investment and decision analysis for management and engineering Prentice-Hall, 1980