Digital electronics and computers II
J C Ochsenbein
4.5 points * 39 lecture/tutorial hours, 26 laboratory hours * First semester * Gippsland * Prerequisites: GEG2533
Digital circuits - comparison of and interfacing between integrated circuit logic families (TTL, ECL, MOS, etc). Sequential circuits including semiconductor memories, design of sequential circuits (shift register, synchronous and asynchronous counters, pulse and timing circuits). Microprocessors and microcomputers - assemblers and cross assemblers, parallel and serial input/output, interrupt systems, vectored and polled interrupts, programmed I/O operation using handshake, direct memory access.
Examination: 60% * Laboratory: 30% * Assignments: 10%
Prescribed texts
Floyd T L Digital fundamentals 5th edn, Maxwell Macmillan, 1994
Pasahow E J Microprocessors technology and microcomputers McGraw Hill, 1988
Recommended texts
Gaunkar R S Microprocessor architecture, programming and applications with 8085/808A Merrill, 1984
Ismail A R and Rooney V M Digital concepts and applications 2nd edn, Saunders, 1994
Leventhal L A Microcomputer experimentation with the Motorola MEK 6800 D2 Prentice-Hall, 1981
Taub H Digital circuits and microprocessors McGraw-Hill, 1981