Understanding materials 2
Not offered in 1995
T J Richards
3 points * 3 hours per week * Second semester * Gippsland/Distance * Prerequisites: GEG1812
Structure and properties of ceramics; application and processing of ceramics; polymers; composite materials - having the best of both worlds; cement and concrete; timber and timber products; materials for bearings; adhesives; corrosion and degradation of materials; electrical properties of materials; magnetic properties of materials; expansion of materials fabrication methods (with particular reference to economic factors); materials as the raw materials of the designer.
Examination (3 hours): 50% * Practical Reports and Assignments: 50%
Prescribed texts
Callister W D Materials science and engineering: An introduction Wiley, 1985
Recommended texts
Ashley M F and Jones D R Engineering materials: An introduction to their properties and applications Pergamon, 1980
Askeland D R The science and engineering of materials Prindle Weber and Schmidt, 1985