Computer applications 6C
B Wong
4 points * 26 lecture hours, 26 tutorial hours * Second semester * Caulfield * Prerequisite: CVE3121
Matrix algebra; numerical methods for solving simultaneous equations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors; applications of eigen problems to structural engineering. Analysis of determinate and indeterminate structures by stiffness method: pin and rigid jointed frames, support settlement, initial deformation, symmetry, internal hinges, elastic supports and semi-rigid connections. 3D frames. Computer storage schemes. Introduction to nonlinear analysis. Use of computer packages.
Written: 30% * Examination (2 hours): 70%
Recommended texts
Hall A S and Kabaila A P Basic concepts of structural analysis GreenwichSoft Pty Ltd, 1986
Spencer W J Fundamental structural analysis Macmillan, 1988