Computer science 2
B T Harding
3 points * 19.5 lecture hours, 19.5 practical/tutorial hours * Second semester * Caulfield * Prerequisites: ENC1401
Impact of the computer on society. A-D and D-A converters. Signed number arithmetic. Interfaces and communications: basic communication concepts, serial and parallel interfaces, with examples. Fundamentals of microcomputers and introduction to assembly language programming, architecture, memory (RAM, ROM, disks, disk sectoring, etc), instruction sets, register operations, address modes, interrupts.
Examinations (3 hours): 80% * Practical work/Laboratory work: 20%
Recommended texts
Floyd T L Digital fundamentals 4th edn, Merrill, 1990
Tocci RJ Digital systems: Principles and applications 5th edn, Prentice-Hall, 1991