Computer science 1
B T Harding
3 points * 19.5 lecture hours, 19.5 practical/tutorial hours * First semester * Caulfield
The historical development of the stored program computer. Digital and analog systems. Analog and digital data, number systems, conversions, codes, use of parity. Binary logic, truth tables, basic gates and their equivalent forms, Boolean algebra and theorems, forms of specification of logic requirements, Karnaugh maps, minimisation, two-level logic forms. Sequential circuits: flip-flops, state tables, state diagrams, shift registers, counters. Logic packages: logic families and their characteristics, standard packages, use of data handbooks. Concepts of SSI, MSI, LSI, etc. Implementation using standard packages such as multiplexers, ROM, PLA, adders, etc.
Examinations (3 hours): 80% * Practical work/Laboratory work: 20%
Preliminary reading
Hoffman P Archimedes' revenge: The joys and perils of mathematics Penguin, 1988
Recommended texts
Floyd T L Digital fundamentals 4th edn, Merrill, 1990
Tocci R J Digital systems: Principles and applications 5th edn, Prentice-Hall, 1991