Computer control 2
M Liu
4 points * 26 lecture hours, 26 laboratory hours * Second semester * Caulfield * Prerequisites: ELE4231
Discrete-time systems: sampling and reconstruction, discrete equivalents of analog systems, z transforms, difference equations, state equations and their solutions. Controller design: rout locus and frequency response approaches, poles assignment, state feedback, state estimation, controllability and observability, optimal filter, robust control, PID controllers; System identification and adaptive control: recursive least-square estimation, adaptive control systems, PID self-tuning controllers; real-time programming.
Examinations (3 hours): 60% * Laboratory work: 40%
Recommended texts
Astrom K J and Wittenmark B Computer-controlled systems Prentice-Hall, 1990
Franklin G F and others Digital control of dynamic systems Addison-Wesley, 1990
Phillips C L and Nagle H Digital control system Prentice-Hall, 1990