Energy efficient motor drives
D G Holmes
6 points * 3 hours per week * Irregular availability * Clayton *
Principles of high efficiency variable speed drive systems for DC and AC motors. DC and AC converter topologies and modulation strategies. Modelling of DC and AC motors for variable speed operation. Steady-state and transient operation of open loop, closed loop and torque-controlled DC and AC drive sytems. High-power, servo motor, reluctance and stepper motor drives.
Examination (2 hours): 70% * Written: 15% * Laboratory: 15%
Recommended texts
Bose B K Power electronics and AC drives Prentice-Hall, 1986
Dubey G K Power semiconductor controlled drives Prentice-Hall, 1989
Mohan N and others Power electronics Wiley, 1989
Murphy J M D and Turnbull F G Power electronic control of AC motors Pergamon, 1988
Rasihid M H Power electronics and AC drives Prentice-Hall, 1986
Shepherd and Hulley Power electronics and motor control CUP, 1987