Environmental education
Dr D R Hutton
8 or 12 points * 3 hours per week * First semester * Clayton
This biannual subject gives a broad perspective of environmental education (EE). However some bias towards school level approaches, and both formal and informal community education gives a subject design suitable for students from both the Faculty of Education and the Graduate School of Environmental Science. One strand considers the emerging nature of EE and how its particular characteristics can be put into practice at various levels of education by teachers with backgrounds across the whole spectrum of the traditional curriculum. The second main strand looks at the `environmental problematic,' the complex of global issues (population, food, war, resource depletion, etc) and national and local issues that face mankind. It also considers possible solutions and the role of EE within them. Since environmental issues involve political, economic, social, historical, aesthetic and technoscientific issues, EE requires contributions from all these disciplinary areas, and a highlight of the subject is group development of an EE program that helps solve a local environmental issue.
Solely based on assignment work (including letter, essay, factfile, folio and group project) and participation (including debate, public meeting and seminar) throughout the course
Recommended texts
Gough N Blueprints for greening schools Gould League Victoria, 1992