Educational change and teacher development
Mr L C Ingvarson and Associate Professor J R Northfield
Second semester * Clayton
This subject will examine factors influencing educational change in Australia. Some models for the dissemination and implementation of innovations will be considered and related to changing conceptions of professional development and school improvement. The relationships between teachers and research and development will be explored. Approaches to curriculum innovation at the school and classroom level will be examined using Australian and overseas case studies. What are the effects and problems of implementing curriculum programs? What strategies are available for developing, disseminating and implementing curricula? How can school improvement be facilitated? Recent research in in-service education will be related to these issues. The subject has particular relevance for those involved in curriculum development, consultancy and in-service education. Students from backgrounds other than teaching (eg nursing) should find the ideas apply to their settings. Students will be expected to attend one session during the school vacation period.
Written (4000 words): 50% * Seminar participation/One oral presentation, two minor assignment tasks: 50%
Recommended texts
Elliott J Action research for educational change Open UP, 1991
Fullan M Changing forces Falmer, 1993
Fullan M The new meaning of educational change Teachers College, 1990
Hargreaves A and Fullan M Understanding teacher development Teachers College Press, 1992