Monash University Education handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Cultural studies in the curriculum

Not offered in 1995

Associate Professor M Gill


This subject is designed primarily, though not exclusively, for teachers across the curriculum P-12 who have an interest in examining aspects of popular culture and their potential to enhance the critical literacy of school students or adult learners. A detailed study will be made of a range of media texts, particularly television texts, in terms of their social, cultural, aesthetic and educational significance. Students will consider recent research studies on the influence and role of the media in society. Practising teachers will have the opportunity to examine and evaluate selected popular culture and media texts in order to develop curriculum materials and teaching approaches which derive from these. A detailed reading guide will be distributed at the commencement of the subject.


One short investigative task (1000 words) * One major assignment (3000 words)

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