Administrative and organisational theory
Associate Professor C W Evers and Dr P C Gronn
First semester * Clayton
The subject provides a systematic analysis of the main administrative and organisational theories as they have been developed and applied in educational studies. In the first part of the subject, the emphasis will be on the nature of administrative theory, and how different administrative theories reflect different views on the nature of knowledge and theory. Since these views have developed historically, topics covered will reflect the broad chronological development of the field and will include logical empiricism and the theory movement, system theory, subjectivism and Thomas Greenfield's work, Christopher Hodgkinson's value theory of administration, critical theory perspectives and administrative culture as theory. The second part of the subject deals mainly with organisational theory and the culture of organisations. Topics covered, roughly in the following order, include scientific management, human relations, Barnard's theory of executive functions, leadership, organisational learning and organisational culture and styles.
Written (8000 words) * Based on two assignments
Recommended text
Evers C W and Lakomski G Knowing educational administration Pergamon, 1991