Aboriginal education
Not offered in 1995
Clayton * Prohibitions: Students who have completed GED2608/2708 may not enrol in this subject
This subject will examine some of the major developments that have occurred in Australian Aboriginal education. It will cover historical, statistical, demographic and cultural aspects involved in the past and present Australian Aboriginal education programs, and will also study the extrinsic and intrinsic educational problems faced by Australian Aborigines in a non-Aboriginal school system, at preschool, primary, post-primary and tertiary levels. The important role that education must play in overcoming the social conflicts that exist between Australian Aborigines and non-Aborigines will be stressed; as will the nature and merits of special provisions, such as bilingual programs. Each student will undertake, in the latter part of the subject, a study of some aspects of Aboriginal education which is within his or her interest or experience.
Written (4000 words): 90% * Tutorial presentation: 10%
Prescribed texts
Read P and J Long time, olden time Institute for Aboriginal Development, 1991
Recommended text
Broome R Aboriginal Australians Allen and Unwin