Health psychology and biopsychosocial research
Dr N C Nettleton
3 hours per week * First semester * Clayton * Prerequisite: A background in psychology or in the health or relevant biological sciences
The application of psychological perspective and methods to the understanding, prevention and treatment of illness and disease has become a major focus of health research. This subject will explore the contribution of psychology and related disciplines (eg physiological psychology, neuropsychology and psychoneuroimmunology) to our understanding of the relationships between social systems, mental and affective states, biological responses and health and well-being. Topics covered may include adjustment and well-being; the individual's response to stress, pain, physical health and illness; and personality and health. Students will be introduced to ways in which they, as professional caregivers, can assist their clients in the maintenance of health, the prevention of illness and dysfunction, and in rehabilitation following illness or injury. They will also be expected to participate in exercises and activities concerned with their own health and well-being. Some of these activities may be scheduled outside of normal class times.
Practical work * Course participation * Written work
Prescribed texts
Davis M and others The relaxation and stress reduction workbook 3rd edn, New Harbinger, 1988
Green J and Shellenberger R The dynamics of health and wellness: A biopsychosocial approach HRW, 1991
Recommended texts
Brodsky S The psychology of adjustment and well-being HRW, 1988
Edling G and Golanty E Health and wellness: A holistic approach 4th edn, Jones and Bartlett, 1992
King N J and Remenyi A (eds) Health care: A behavioral approach Grune and Stratton, 1986
Schafer W Stress management for wellness HRW, 1987
Suter S Health psychophysiology: Mind-body interactions in wellness and illness Erlbaum, 1986