Monash University Education handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Issues in Primary Education

First semester * Peninsula

The aim of this subject is to provide a critical review of the major issues facing the Victorian primary school. Current developments in the field of elementary education K-6 from the United Kingdom and the USA in particular will provide a base on which to consider current and emerging practice in Australian schools. Issues include the Schools of the Future program, needs and aims of the modern primary school; national curricula, frameworks, and profiles; models and methods of teaching; evaluation, appraisal and accountability; locus of control - from the centre to the school and implications for teachers; research in primary classrooms.


Class participation * Assignments

Recommended texts

Alexander R and others Changing primary practice Faber, 1989

Grounlund N E Measurement and evaluation in teaching 4th edn, Macmillan, 1981

Marsh C and Stafford K Curriculum practices and issues 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill, 1988

Ministry of Education Victoria Curriculum frameworks P-10 Min. Educ. Vic., 1987

Orstein A and Hunkins F Curriculum foundations, principles and theory 2nd edn, Allyn and Bacon, 1993

Pring R The new curriculum Cassell, 1989

Print M Curriclulum development and design Allen and Unwin, 1987

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