Creative music in the classroom
Mr G Hurworth
First semester * Peninsula
This subject aims to introduce students to recent approaches to creative classroom music as established by post-World War 2 music educationalists. Students will survey the ideas and materials produced by John Paynter, George Self, Brian Dennis and R Murray Schafer. Topics include composition in the classroom; improvisation; music written specially for children; non-traditional methods of notating music; the organisation of group work; the assessment and evaluation of children's composition and the implementation of creative music in the classroom.
Assessment will be based on student participation and will include two pieces of original research
Recommended texts
Cain T Keynote CUP, 1988
Chatterley A The music club of improvisation projects Galliard, 1978
Dennis B Experimental music in schools OUP, 1970
Ellis P Out of bounds OUP, 1987
Farmer P (ed.) Music in practice OUP, 1984
Farmer P (ed.) Longman music topics Longman, 1979
Forster J Music lab Universal Edition, 1983