Monash University Education handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Mathematics, science and computing education II

Second semester * Peninsula

The subject builds on the concepts and skills developed in EDN7045. It is composed of three components. (1) Mathematics education (50%) includes a study of the sequential development of common and decimal fractions and related teaching techniques, measurement topics, assessment procedures and techniques, and the diagnosis and remediation of common computational errors made by children. (2) Science education (25%) considers further factors relevant to the design and implementation of programs for primary school science and technology, and examines public resources such as Scienceworks, the zoo and special features of the local environment. (3) Computers in education (25%) looks at the educational advantages and implication of using computers in the teaching and learning processes. It provides students with experience in using common software packages in the area of databases and interactive fiction together with examples of CAL software related to specific curriculum areas.


Each component has its own assessment based on the following percentages * Practical work/field work/laboratory work: 35% * Examinations: 65%

Recommended texts

Hill T H Work it out: Strategies for problem solving in maths OUP, 1989

Ministry of Education Victoria Science education framework P10 Min. Educ. Vic., 1988

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