Monash University Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Faculty Information

Undergraduate semester program

The faculty operates on a semester program in which most subjects are taught, examined and the results published within one semester, but some subjects occupy two. If a subject is to be repeated, the student may have to wait for up to one semester until the subject is taught again.

Many subjects have prerequisites, for example a third-year subject is likely to require a pass in the appropriate first- and second-year subjects. The relevant information can be obtained by studying the subject entries in the `Details of subjects' section of this handbook.

Each subject passed carries a number of points which represent the student workload associated with that subject. In general, subjects have a number of points associated with them, and the requirements for a degree are expressed in terms of the total number of points which must be accumulated by a student, subject to constraints covering the number of points that may be attempted in a semester and the combinations of subjects which are acceptable. The rules are covered under the specification for each degree in the relevant section of this handbook.

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