Object-oriented analysis
G Shanks and B Hodgson
4 points * 2 hours per week * First/Second semester * Caulfield/Clayton * Prerequisites: SYS1252 * Prohibitions: SYS3090
This subject offers students a coverage of the analysis of complex information systems with a real-time flavour. The following topics will be addressed: object-oriented concepts, abstraction and modelling; object-oriented approaches to systems modelling; object modelling - identification, classification, association, generalisation and aggregation, inheritance, meta-data; notation for object modelling; dynamic modelling - state transitions and object life-cycles; object-oriented analysis methodologies - object modelling technique (Rumbaugh and others), class responsibility, collaboration cards; object-oriented analysis (Shlaer and Mellor), example applications from analysis to implementation.
Examination (2 hours): 50% * Practical work: 50%
Recommended texts
Rumbaugh J and others Object-oriented modelling and design Prentice-Hall, 1991
Shanks G and Hodgson B Object-oriented analysis lecture notes for SYS3094 Monash U, 1995