Software life-cycle processes
B Durnota
6 points * 4 hours per week * First semester * Caulfield
Role of formal methods in the specification of software and its refinement into code. Review of formal specification. Object-oriented specification. Use of graphical notations. Specifications as theories. The role of proofs in deriving properties of specifications. Deriving code from formal specifications. Generating tests from specifications. Re-engineering legacy code back into formal specifications.
Assignments: 100%
Prescribed texts
Diller A Z: An introduction to formal methods Wiley, 1990
Recommended texts
Arnold R S Software reengineering IEEE Computer Science Press, 1993
Bezier B Software testing techniques Van Nostrand, 1990
Lano K (ed.) Object-oriented formal specification case studies Prentice-Hall, 1993
Morgan C Programming from specifications Prentice-Hall, 1990
Rumbaugh J and others Object-oriented modelling and design Prentice-Hall, 1991
Wordsworth J B Software development with Z Addison-Wesley, 1992