Programming abstractions
J Chen
6 points * 4 hours per week * Second semester * Caulfield * Prerequisites: SFT2110, SFT2121 * Prohibitions: SFT2207, SFT3307
Review of Scheme: data structures, procedural and functional styles, recursion and iteration. Higher-order procedures that accept other procedures as arguments and use them on other data or procedural objects. Construction of objects that encapsulate some data and procedures that can act on that data. This is the basis of object-oriented programming, but is seen as a way of constructing an OOPS rather than using one. Delayed objects used to construct infinite structures in finite memory. Memorisation of delayed objects. Partial evaluation of expressions: quotation versus quasi-quotation.
Examinations: 50% * Practical work: 50%
Recommended texts
Abelson H and Sussman G Structure and interpretation of computer programs MIT Press, 1985
Eisenberg M Programming in Scheme The Scientific Press, 1988
Texas Instruments Inc PC Scheme, a simple modern Lisp: Language reference manual version 3 Publishing Centre, 1987