Programming language paradigms
D Hagan
4 points * 4 hours per week * Second semester * Caulfield * Prerequisites: SFT2201 * Prohibitions: CSC3030, SFT3050, SFT3307
The subject investigates and compares the imperative, functional, logic and object-oriented programming paradigms, and expands upon the concept and use of program abstractions introduced in the previous three programming subjects. The same programming language is used to implement programs in the four paradigms and to develop program abstractions. By writing programs with these four approaches, students gain an appreciation of their scope and limitations, and are able to recognise the application domains in which they can be most effectively used.
Examination: 50% * Practical work: 50%
Prescribed texts
Abelson H and Sussman G Structure and interpretation of computer programs MIT Press, 1985
Recommended texts
Smith J D An introduction to Scheme Prentice-Hall, 1988
Texas Instruments PC-Scheme, user's guide and language reference manual Scientific Press, 1988