Monash University Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Summary of graduate studies

Master of Business Systems by coursework only

Clayton campus

The Master of Business Systems by coursework is offered by the Department of Business Systems. Entry requires a degree, and candidates with a pass degree will normally enter the preliminary year (one year full-time or two years part-time). Candidates with a relevant honours degree or with a pass degree and relevant diploma may enter the masters year (one year full-time, two years part-time). The masters year involves completion of eight graduate-level subjects. The preliminary year is usually identical to the Graduate Diploma in Business Systems (see separate entry).

The course provides an extended education and training in methods used in the design, development and application of computer systems for the management of business operations. The courses are organised into semesters which begin in February and July each year. The majority of students are expected to start the course in the February intake, but July intake may be available.

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