Monash University Computing & Information Technology handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Computer graphics

J Dann

4 points * First/Second semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: MAT1020/MAT1022 and either RDT1400 or CSC1030 * Prohibited combination: BUS2062, CFR2001, CFR2204, CFR3012, CFR3213, COT2001, COT2004, COT3020, CSC3130, CSC3182, GCO2810, GCO3812

Graphics displays; graphics input devices; graphics processing hardware; graphics interactive techniques; coordinate systems; 2D, 3D, 4D (homogeneous); coordinate transformations; projections - orthographic axonometric and perspective; colour, colour specification; lighting model shading, mapping, antialiasing; animation; ray tracing; curved surfaces specification and handling; windowing systems; graphics standards.


Laboratory assignments: 40% * Written examination: 60%

Recommended texts

Foley J D and others Introduction to computer graphics Addison-Wesley, 1994

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