Monash University Computing & Information Technology handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Computer image processing

C F Osborne

4 points * 4 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: CSC2070, MAT2452, RDT2220

Review of computer imaging, point and spatial operations, statistical operations, edge detection, encoding of images, segmentation and feature extraction, transformations of images. Applications (some of the following topics will be considered in detail): data compression, pattern recognition, gauging, blob analysis.


Practical work, laboratory work, written examination, assignments (as appropriate)

Recommended texts

Ballard D H and Brown C M Computer vision Prentice-Hall, 1982

Castleman T Digital image processing Prentice-Hall, 1979

Gonzalez J and Wintz H Digital image processing Addison-Wesley, 1987

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